Board of Elders
C&MA Section 3.2. Governance Structure:
Choice 1: Single Board System with all Elders (12 Elders + Senior Pastor)
The governance authority of the Church shall be known as the Board of Elders. The
number serving as the Board of Elders shall be at least thirteen, including the lead pastor.
The Board of Elders shall consist of the lead pastor and the following: Secretary,
Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and one or more members at large. All positions are to
be filled by elders.
The qualifications for elders are set out in 1 Timothy 3:1–13 and Titus 1:6–9. Further,
each must be an active member of the Church.
The duties of leaders are set forth in the Constitution, these bylaws, and position
descriptions adopted by the Board of Elders.
A quorum for the legal conduct of business shall be two-thirds of the board